Dr. Daniela Zühlke
Senior Scientist
Department for Microbial Physiology and Molecular Biology
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 8 - room-nr.: 1.50
17489 Greifswald
phone: +49 (0)3834 420 5912
fax: +49 (0)3834 420 5909
email: zuehlke(at)uni-greifswald(dot)de
since 2012 | Postdoc at the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Greifswald, Department of Microbial Physiology, Prof. Katharina Riedel |
2004 – 2012 | Postdoc at the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Greifswald, Department of Microbial Physiology, Prof. Michael Hecker |
2004 | Graduation: Dr. rer. nat. |
1999 – 2004 | PhD thesis at the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Greifswald, Department of Microbial Physiology: „Analysis of the molecular mechanism of the stress induction of the CtsR regulon of Bacillus subtilis“. |
1999 – 2002 | Scholarship of the DFG Graduiertenkolleg „Functional and structural characterization of pro- and eukaryotic genes“ |
1999 | Diploma thesis at the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Greifswald, Department of Microbial Physiology: „Contributions to the proteome of Bacillus subtilis“. |
1994 – 1999 | Studies in Biology (microbiology, genetics, and virology) at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald. |
- Metaproteome analyses of urban wastewater to characterize the structure and function of the microbial community with special focus on the identification of proteins associated to antibiotic resistances
- Analysis of the microbial community in terrestric and aquatic environments using metaproteomics
- Absolute global protein quantification in Staphylococcus aureus growing under infection-related stress conditions using gel-based (2D PAGE) and gel-free mass spectrometry-based methods (LC-IMSE)
- Mass spectrometry-based proteome analyses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other human Gram positive and Gram negative pathogens (e.g. Burkholderia cenocepacia, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterobacter spec.) for identification and quantification of virulence determinants and to analyze adaptation processes during infections
Muñoz-Villagrán C, Acevedo-Arbunic J, Härtig E, Sievers S, Zühlke D, et al. The thioredoxin fold protein (Tfp2) from extreme acidophilic leptospirillum sp. Cf-1 is a chaperedoxin-like protein that prevents the aggregation of proteins under oxidative stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 6905. IJMS. 2024;25(23):12489.
Hahn V, Zühlke D, Winter H, et al. Proteomic profiling of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli GW-AmxH19 isolated from hospital wastewater treated with physical plasma. Proteomics. Published online April 21, 2024:e2300494. PMID: 38644344
Mikolasch A, Berzhanova R, Omirbekova A, et al. Moniliella spathulata, an oil-degrading yeast, which promotes growth of barley in oil-polluted soil. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2021;105(1):401-415.PMID:33219393
Costa OYA, Oguejiofor C, Zühlke D, et al. Impact of different trace elements on the growth and proteome of two strains of granulicella, class “acidobacteriia.” Front Microbiol. 2020;11:1227. PMID:32625179
- Schneider D, Zühlke D, Petscheleit T, Poehlein A, Riedel K, Daniel R. Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli GW-AmxH19, Isolated from Hospital Wastewater in Greifswald, Germany. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2020;9(21). PMID: 32439663
- Schultz D, Zühlke D, Bernhardt J, et al. An optimized metaproteomics protocol for a holistic taxonomic and functional characterization of microbial communities from marine particles. Environ Microbiol Rep. 2020;12(4):367-376. PMID:32281239
- Godard T, Zühlke D, Richter G, et al. Metabolic Rearrangements Causing Elevated Proline and Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation During the Osmotic Adaptation Response of . Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020;8:47.
- Quintieri L, Zühlke D, Fanelli F, et al. Proteomic analysis of the food spoiler Pseudomonas fluorescens ITEM 17298 reveals the antibiofilm activity of the pepsin-digested bovine lactoferrin. Food Microbiol. 2019;82:177-193. PIMD:31027772
- Sievers S, Metzendorf NG, Dittmann S, et al. Differential View on the Bile Acid Stress Response of . Front Microbiol. 2019;10:258.PMID:30833939
- Guerrero montero I, Dolata KM, Schlüter R, et al. Comparative proteome analysis in an Escherichia coli CyDisCo strain identifies stress responses related to protein production, oxidative stress and accumulation of misfolded protein. Microb Cell Fact. 2019;18(1):19.PMID:30696436
- Neumann B, Prior K, Bender JK, Harmsen D, Klare I, Fuchs S, Riedel K,et al. A core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) scheme for . J Clin Microbiol. 2019; JCM.01686-18.PMID:30651394
- Pfaff F, Hägglund S, Zoli M, Zühlke D, Riedel K, et al. Proteogenomics Uncovers Critical Elements of Host Response in Bovine Soft Palate Epithelial Cells Following In Vitro Infection with Foot-And-Mouth Disease Virus. Viruses. 2019;11(1). PMID:30642035
- Gerth U, Krieger E, Zühlke D, Reder A, Völker U, Hecker M. Stability of Proteins Out of Service: the GapB Case of Bacillus subtilis. J Bacteriol. 2017;199(20)
- Handtke S, Albrecht D, Zühlke D, Otto A, Becher D, Schweder T, Riedel K, Hecker M, Voigt B,. Bacillus pumilus KatX2 confers enhanced hydrogen peroxide resistance to a Bacillus subtilis PkatA::katX2 mutant strain. Microb Cell Fact.2017 Apr 26;16(1):72. PMID: 28446175.
- Schmidt R, Jager V, Zühlke D, Wolff C, Bernhardt J, Cankar K, Beekwilder J, Ijcken WV, Sleutels F, Boer W, Riedel K, Garbeva P. Fungal volatile compounds induce production of the secondary metabolite Sodorifen in Serratia plymuthica PRI-2C. Sci Rep.2017 Apr 13;7(1):862. PMID: 28408760.
- Zühlke MK, Schlüter R, Mikolasch A, Zühlke D, Giersberg M, Schindler H, Henning AK, Frenzel H, Hammer E, Lalk M, Bornscheuer UT, Riedel K, Kunze G, Schauer F. Biotransformation and reduction of estrogenicity of bisphenol A by the biphenyl-degrading Cupriavidus basilensis. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2017 Jan 3. PMID: 28050635.
- Zühlke D, Dörries K, Bernhardt J, Maaß S, Muntel J, Liebscher V, Pané-Farré J, Riedel K, Lalk M, Völker U, Engelmann S, Becher D, Fuchs S, Hecker M. Costs of life – Dynamics of the protein inventory of Staphylococcus aureus during anaerobiosis. Sci Rep.2016 Jun 27;6:28172. PMID: 27344979.
- López-Mondéjar R, Zühlke D, Větrovský T, Becher D, Riedel K, Baldrian P. Decoding the complete arsenal for cellulose and hemicellulose deconstruction in the highly efficient cellulose decomposer Paenibacillus O199. Biotechnol Biofuels.2016 May 14;9:104. PMID: 27186238.
- López-Mondéjar R, Zühlke D, Becher D, Riedel K, Baldrian P. Cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition by forest soil bacteria proceeds by the action of structurally variable enzymatic systems. Sci Rep.2016 Apr 29;6:25279. PMID: 27125755.
- Lassek C, Berger A, Zühlke D, Wittmann C, Riedel K,. Proteome and carbon flux analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates from different infection sites. Proteomics.2016 Mar 9. PMID: 26959854.
- Stopnisek N,, Zühlke D, Carlier A, Barberán A, Fierer N,, Becher D, Riedel K, Eberl L, Weisskopf L,. Molecular mechanisms underlying the close association between soil Burkholderia and fungi. ISME J.2016 Jan;10(1):253-64. PMID: 25989372.
- Kohlmann Y, Pohlmann A, Schwartz E, Zühlke D, Otto A, Albrecht D, Grimmler C, Ehrenreich A, Voigt B, Becher D, Hecker M, Friedrich B, Cramm R. Coping with anoxia: a comprehensive proteomic and transcriptomic survey of denitrification. J Proteome Res.2014 Oct 3;13(10):4325-38. PMID: 25198380.
- Bäsell K, Otto A, Junker S, Zühlke D, Rappen GM, Schmidt S, Hentschker C, Macek B, Ohlsen K, Hecker M, Becher D. The phosphoproteome and its physiological dynamics in Staphylococcus aureus. Int J Med Microbiol.2014 Mar;304(2):121-32. PMID: 24457182.
- Fuchs S, Zühlke D, Pané-Farré J, Kusch H, Wolf C, Reiß S, Binh le TN, Albrecht D, Riedel K, Hecker M, Engelmann S. Aureolib – a proteome signature library: towards an understanding of staphylococcus aureus pathophysiology. PLoS One.2013 Aug 13;8(8):e70669. PMID: 23967085.
- Liang C, Liebeke M, Schwarz R, Zühlke D, Fuchs S, Menschner L, Engelmann S, Wolz C, Jaglitz S, Bernhardt J, Hecker M, Lalk M, Dandekar T. Staphylococcus aureus physiological growth limitations: insights from flux calculations built on proteomics and external metabolite data. Proteomics.2011 May;11(10):1915-35. PMID: 21472852.
- Liebeke M, Dörries K, Zühlke D, Bernhardt J, Fuchs S, Pané-Farré J, Engelmann S, Völker U, Bode R, Dandekar T, Lindequist U, Hecker M, Lalk M. A metabolomics and proteomics study of the adaptation of Staphylococcus aureus to glucose starvation. Mol Biosyst.2011 Apr;7(4):1241-53. PMID: 21327190.
- Maass S, Sievers S, Zühlke D, Kuzinski J, Sappa PK, Muntel J, Hessling B, Bernhardt J, Sietmann R, Völker U, Hecker M, Becher D. Efficient, global-scale quantification of absolute protein amounts by integration of targeted mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel-based proteomics. Anal Chem.2011 Apr 1;83(7):2677-84. PMID: 21395229.
- Elsholz AK, Michalik S, Zühlke D, Hecker M, Gerth U. CtsR, the Gram-positive master regulator of protein quality control, feels the heat. EMBO J.2010 Nov 3;29(21):3621-9. PMID: 20852588.
- Fuchs S, Mehlan H, Kusch H, Teumer A, Zühlke D, Berth M, Wolf C, Dandekar T, Hecker M, Engelmann S, Bernhardt J. Protecs, a comprehensive and powerful storage and analysis system for OMICS data, applied for profiling the anaerobiosis response of Staphylococcus aureus COL. Proteomics.2010 Aug;10(16):2982-3000. PMID: 20662099.
- Becher D, Hempel K, Sievers S, Zühlke D, Pané-Farré J, Otto A, Fuchs S, Albrecht D, Bernhardt J, Engelmann S, Völker U, van Dijl JM, Hecker M. A proteomic view of an important human pathogen–towards the quantification of the entire Staphylococcus aureus proteome. PLoS One.2009 Dec 4;4(12):e8176. PMID: 19997597.
- Michalik S, Liebeke M, Zühlke D, Lalk M, Bernhardt J, Gerth U, Hecker M. Proteolysis during long-term glucose starvation in Staphylococcus aureus COL. Proteomics.2009 Oct;9(19):4468-77. PMID: 19743422.
- Schwartz E, Voigt B, Zühlke D, Pohlmann A, Lenz O, Albrecht D, Schwarze A, Kohlmann Y, Krause C, Hecker M, Friedrich B. A proteomic view of the facultatively chemolithoautotrophic lifestyle of Ralstonia eutropha H16. Proteomics.2009 Nov;9(22):5132-42. PMID: 19798673.
- Wecke T, Zühlke D, Mäder U, Jordan S, Voigt B, Pelzer S, Labischinski H, Homuth G, Hecker M, Mascher T. Daptomycin versus Friulimicin B: in-depth profiling of Bacillus subtilis cell envelope stress responses. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.2009 Apr;53(4):1619-23. PMID: 19164157.
- Kirstein J, Zühlke D, Gerth U, Turgay K, Hecker M. A tyrosine kinase and its activator control the activity of the CtsR heat shock repressor in B. subtilis. EMBO J.2005 Oct 5;24(19):3435-45. PMID: 16163393.
- Krüger E, Zühlke D, Witt E, Ludwig H, Hecker M. Clp-mediated proteolysis in Gram-positive bacteria is autoregulated by the stability of a repressor. EMBO J.2001 Feb 15;20(4):852-63. PMID: 11179229.
- Tobisch S, Zühlke D, Bernhardt J, Stülke J, Hecker M. Role of CcpA in regulation of the central pathways of carbon catabolism in Bacillus subtilis. J Bacteriol.1999 Nov;181(22):6996-7004. PMID: 10559165.